Problem: N-Queens
The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n x n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other.
Given an integer n, return all distinct solutions to the n-queens puzzle. You may return the answer in any order.
Each solution contains a distinct board configuration of the n-queens' placement, where 'Q' and '.' both indicate a queen and an empty space, respectively.
class Solution {
public List<List<String>> solveNQueens(int n) {
return fun(new ArrayList<String>(), n, 0);
private static List<List<String>> fun(ArrayList<String> s, int n, int r) {
List<List<String>> l = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
l.add(new ArrayList<>(s));
return l;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String st = check(s,n,r,i);
return l;
static String check(ArrayList<String> s, int n, int r, int c){
StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
return st.toString();
int a = r-1, b = c-1;
while(a>=0 && b>=0){
return st.toString();
a--; b--;
a = r-1;
b = c+1;
while(a>=0 && b<n){
return st.toString();
a--; b++;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(i==c) st.append('Q');
else st.append('.');
return st.toString();